True me.. Tap-1713..

Keep rising.
Stay consistent.
Let others catch up.
Next step must be the step higher.
In the process make sure you get rid of all the unnecessary gunk.

That’s the only way to a happy fulfilling life.
There’s nothing called high standards or low standards.
It’s your job to supersede yourself & show everyone where to meet.


True me.. Tap-1226..

Never devalue yourself.
Never forget how beautiful you really are.
People in certain situations can sometimes make us feel we aren’t good enough by society’s standards.
But it’s natural to feel that way.
You just need to know how to find your way out of that negative place.

Remind yourself that you are beautiful exactly the way you are.
Life is beautiful.
You are worthy of it.

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-1054..

It’s not enough to just love doing something if you want to be good at it.
You have to practice everyday.
There needs to be a consistent approach with proper schedule & discipline at place.
If you just show up on the day unprepared,
you won’t fulfill the high expectations of a certain standard & quality .

Take time out of your life to practice your passion.
Do whatever you need to do that will propel you toward your goals.
Whatever your practice or passion is,
you must exercise discipline.

(This video got nothing to do with the post above. Watch it to gain little bit knowledge about the current scenario of billionaires & legit illogical motivational mindset associated to it. Yes, it’s important to work on what moves you. But don’t do that with nonsensical expectations from yourself.)

Tap OUT..✌️


Mama once said;

“When someone has options in LOVE, he/she has no LOVE, no STANDARDS & no SELF-RESPECT. It’s just cheap character at play”.

I second this one.

True me.. Tap-812..

So many of the lessons I’ve learned have been about standing up for myself and setting boundaries.
Most people in our current world are used to inconsistent approach & deceptive behaviour, which are both cheap & unacceptable in accordance to HUMAN standards.
It’s really hard and sometimes even painful.
In work environments and everyday life, be sure to set boundaries for those you’re spending time with.
Make sure they’re aware with what you’re comfortable with and your limitations.
Communicate with others to make sure you are honoring yourself.
It’s hard, but it’s worth it. Always.

You don’t owe anybody the present other than yourself.
Take time for you.
Respect yourself and your privacy.
Set boundaries.
Set one boundary today in your professional or personal life. (Not my words).
Life is fun, let it be.

(This 5 minutes video got nothing to do with the post above, It’s about world’s top economies in 2050. Watch it for little knowledge & fun. FYI my entire stock market investment portfolio is linked to number 2, 3 & 7 countries.)

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-780..

You can’t heal on someone else’s agenda,
by someone else’s standards,
in someone else’s timeline,
with someone else’s rulebook,
for someone else’s benefit,
under someone else’s expectations,
or by someone else’s urging.
Your healing is for you, by you, within you, about you, and through you.
Until you make healing for you instead of for others, healing will be out of reach.

Healing yourself will ask more of you,
more rest,
more self love,
more letting go,
more time for learning,
more space for transformation,
more honesty about how you feel,
more time developing good habits,
more courage to try new practices,
more time cultivating your inner peace,
more faith in yourself and the process.

Tap OUT..💪

True me.. Tap-776..

The universe will keep handing you the same lessons, same failures, the same relationships, the same type of love and the same type of pain until you realise that the common denominator is you.

Until you are finally tired of your own patterns.
Until you finally love yourself enough to raise your standards and believe you are worthy of holding them.

You see the thing is, until you learn to love yourself more, you will continue to accept the love that mirrors how you truly feel about yourself.
The answer to everything you desire is within you.

Desires must help you become a better you.
Now relax.
You’ll end up where you’re supposed to be.
Choose consistent truthful people to vibe & shine.
Be picky.
You glow differently when you have good people with good intentions in your life. (Not my words).

Tap OUT..✌️

True me.. Tap-448..

You will meet people in life who don’t stand a chance to stand upto your standards. Then the worst part is these same dumbfucks pretend being a victim. In such situations saving your sanity gracefully is a huge challenge.

Get rid of all sort of equations which ruins your vibe. Next step is to cut it clean. Every negative piece of shit gets energy by ruining something positive.

Tap OUT..👍

Tap my thoughts.. 179..

Please don’t take shots if you aren’t single and i consider those single who have healed their heart from past mess while raising own standards. It takes few months to work on yourself. Don’t be a desperate moron.

People come with past baggages & bunch of lies. I can unmask you in a minute & you will regret that. My intuition & morals are way stronger compared to your loose trousers, I never mess with TRUTH.


If you stop being legit, I will show you how to burn candle from both ends. My confidence in self-respect is my standard. You are allowed to bark against me, who gives a shit!!😂

True me..Tap-178..

Doesn’t matter you are talking good or bad about me, you are talking about me & I am loving it. I am a man of disciplines. Even when I play, I have a standard. There is a reason behind your fear or hate towards me; you know I am truthfully right with my ways, always.

Tap OUT..😘

True me.. Tap-134..

My TRUTH is my standard. I have learnt my lessons hard way. My boundaries are for myself. I can’t push things on you. But if you can’t meet my level of clarity, I will not be friends with you. Done.

Tap OUT..👍

True me.. Tap-93..

We all fail once or twice. We lie, we behave deceptive, we hide, we regret. Remember once or twice.

I have been through this as well. Now the best part about me is my TRUTH. The power in my voice is my determination. That TRUTH gives me enough courage to thrash anything/anyone that’s not meeting my standards. Doesn’t matter how good or bad it is, I don’t LIE. I am not a good person, still evolving as a Human. Striving to be a better stronger me.

Tap OUT.. Blessed..🤗

True me.. Tap-91..

In a relationship if your partner isn’t discussing/hasn’t discussed about how to afford a life together practically looking at your standards, trust me you have sold your genitalia for really cheap price to a bogus twat. Life is all about upgrades, you can’t fool yourself and you know affording life is mandatory.

Time not to move on, but to move forward.
Tap OUT..👍